Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Panel #2 in a Series

A slowly developing series
There is a story in th is one. He has worked late and come home in the damp of the summer evening, when it is still light. The word crepuscular kept rolling around on his tongue as he inserted the key and turned the deadbolt. She was there and talking on the phone. He slung his bag on the floor and kicked his shoes off. There was a distant chop-chop from a helicopter at the hospital. The lightbulb in the kitchen flickered behind her head.

Some lives are measured in inches

Some in feet

I think that a guy should be able to get a degree in foot drawing. What more sinuous, square and blocky, and varied part of the body, and one that is so available, as a foot, or better, two. One could be your own, the other could be your own too.
digital poster 20" x 30" approx

Monday, March 09, 2009

Comic Girl

More thoughtful than a costumed heroine
There is another panel to this somewhere in the darker confines of the Skinny Raven warehouse. Years ago I stumbled on some DH Lawrence originals hanging in the unused manager's office of the Taos La Fonda. The inter-net must have let that secret out long before now. I suggest that El Gato Magnifico go to see them.

approx 30" x 40" monoprint on paper

Two views of the same subject

It's not just a bowl of fruit.
Still lifes are back in. There is always something more to a still life than just fruit and dishes. And Modigliani is not a bad guy from whom to practice.

Hippo hippo horse

Are there Provençal gophers?
At the hippodrome in Sault, Provence. Middle of the course is overgrown (or planted) with lavender, and the track itself is dirt. There were signs telling of the race coming up in two or three days, but we would be far off by then. If we'd known earlier, we would be there on the rail, swatting the tiny flies. (In my best mangled french) Pourvu qu'on peut y revenir un jour.
acrylic on paper, approx 12" x 24"

here it is, the oval shaped thing on the map... picture it in August, the middle of it overflowing with rows of lavender.

View Larger Map

The pitcher pitcher

On a trip a few years ago we saw one of those little signs for potters and painters and artists that one sees and passes by, thinking that they don't really want to be bothered by you. This time we followed its direction and wound up at Daniel Drouin's workshop. He makes tapestry according to the famous Gobelin technique. His son Hervé Droiun has pots and ceramics in the same gallery, and we came away with a lovely green pitcher, whcih I have used a few times in various paintings. We don't know them personally, but the links on their names will take you to their phone numbers in case you want to get ahold of them.
acrylic on paper board, image about 24" x 24".

A true gentian...

painted from bokeh
This is from a hike that we took up Powerline Pass one summer. Crazy blue flowers so rich in color they give the impression of being purple.
acrylic. approx 24"x 24" on paper board. for sale by Artique Limited