Monday, March 09, 2009

Comic Girl

More thoughtful than a costumed heroine
There is another panel to this somewhere in the darker confines of the Skinny Raven warehouse. Years ago I stumbled on some DH Lawrence originals hanging in the unused manager's office of the Taos La Fonda. The inter-net must have let that secret out long before now. I suggest that El Gato Magnifico go to see them.

approx 30" x 40" monoprint on paper


At 4:09 PM, Blogger El Gato Magnifico said...

I am struck by the level of mercantilist minimalism on this Blog/website/advertisement. No sooner do I become interested in the Fred Meyers pitcher than I discover it's sold. There is this cryptic line about things being for sale one way or t'other, but nothing definitive. As usual, I love the brilliancy of the colors while accepting the lack of a realist approach. But prices, prices, prices.

At 4:17 PM, Blogger El Gato Magnifico said...

I trust you noticed that "Lady C's Lover" was on Epstein's reading list for next autumn's class.


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